Saturday, November 7, 2015

MyHowl: Nov 1 - 7

Saturday 11-7
A good week overall. Solid week of running with some trails and hills included. The living situation is still in a void, but Julia is going to show me some places this week so hopefully I will not be homeless for too much longer.
Sunday 11-1
I am going to adjust how I post my blog beginning today. I will now post it as a weekly recap; pertaining primarily to random rants and my weekly training totals. I will periodically post additional free standing videos and social thoughts. Hopefully this will make it less annoying and more logical to the reader. It remains to be seen...

Training this week: Run 57.03 -  Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat - Run - 7.11 mi - 1:10:11 - 9:52 pace - 139 avg hr - 1,202' elevation gain
Green Mountain
Fri - Run - 9.11 mi - 1:19:02 - 8:40 pace - 124 avg hr - 130' elevation gain
Almost didn't get my running sneakers on today but I am happy that I did.

Thurs - Run - 10.51 mi - 1:23:38 - 7:57 pace - 139 avg hr - 393' elevation gain.
Cold, windy winter; day. A bit slower.

Wed - Run - 10.5 mi - 1:18:57 - 7:31 pace - 145 avg hr - 381' elevation gain.
Back in the running saddle. New sneakers and less pain in my foot.

Tues - Run - 9.27 mi - 1:19:27  - 8:34 pace - 1401' elevation gain
First pair of new shoes in about 800 miles. New Balance Fresh Foam. I hope the pain in my foot dissipates now. 

Mon - rest; soreness on my foot - arch, near heal.
Sun Run 10.53 mi - 1:18:42 - 7:28 pace - 151 avg hr - 434' elevation gain
excellent effort today

last week: run 41.53 mi - bike 0 (3 rest days) 

last month run 221.68 mi (7 rest days)


run this year: 2,514.52

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Monday, October 26, 2015

MyHowl: Oct 25 - 31

It was Margaux's 1st birthday yesterday. A great party enjoyed by many! I took yet another rest day; still I am running better than I have - consistently - since my accident.

Training this week: Run 41.53 mi -  Bike 0 (3 rest days)


Sat Run 10.53 mi - 1L20:09 - 7:36 pace - 149 avg hr - 365' elevatio gain
Good run - pre Halloween
Fri Run - 10.3 mi - 1:19:36 - 7:43 pace - 142 avg hr - 431' elevation gain 
I almost blue this off but I got it in late.
Thur Run - 10.52 mi - 1;16;59 - 7:19 pace - 152 avg hr - 360' elevation gain.
Good run today on 2 days rest. 35:10 first 5 miles
Wed Rest - house shopping
Tues Rest - house shopping
Mon Run - 10.18 mi - 10:18:04 - 7.22 pace - 144 avg hr - 8' elevation gain.
Denver in a new location... ran on the track so I wouldn't get lost.
Tues Rest
Margaux's birthday 1st birthday party

Last week: run 62.46 mi - bike 0 (0 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)


run this year: 2,457.49 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Howl: Oct 18 - 24

Please take a minute to view this video. Yes, to be sure - Benghazi is a political witch-hunt, but Hillary Clinton is still not the candidate of the people. Clearly, the only choice is #berniesanders

As a new week begins, I am reflective and grateful that my continued hard work is beginning to pay off. Although the accident in which I suffered a traumatic brain injury is now about 6 years past; relative to TBI - it has been barely a sliver of time. Still, as I assess my progress, I am proud; thrilled that my physical improvement (running as a measure), has slowly improved to the point that I am beginning to see some pre-injury speed return. Sure, I am 50 years old now and it is unlikely that I have the same athletic ability; yet I am stubborn, relentless and aspire to be better
. Day after day, mile after mile, including bumps, stumbles and crashes (in every regard), I move forward, I battle, I win. 

And then there is Bernie Sanders:

"I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth that is not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress." 
                                                                                             - Bernie Sanders

Training this week: Run 62.46 - Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat Run - 10.48 mi - 1:17:55 - 7:26 pace - 138 avg hr - 300' elevation gain.
Excellent effort - 1st 8 mi in 55:30 - it is nice to see the improvements continue

Fri Run - 11.18 mi - 1:24:50 - 7:35 pace - 144 avg hr - 823' elevation gain
Good strong run 
Thur Rest
Wed Run - 10.22 mi - 1:16:06 - 7:26 pace - 143 avg hr - 354' elevation gain
nice run - I felt strong
Tues Run - 10.24 mi - 1:17:54 - 7:36 pace - 145 avg hr - 323' elevation gain
Nice strong effort

Mon Run - 10.2 mi - 1:20:10 - 7:51 pace - 145 avg hr - 369' elevation gain
Good run 
Sun Run -10.14 mi - 1:18:04 - 7.41 pace - 148 avg hr - 333' elevation gain.
Good steady run.

Last week: run 51.41 mi - bike 0 (1 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run this year: 2,415.96 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Howl: Oct 11 - 17

Bernie Sanders was the clear winner in the first debate among candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. And it wasn’t because he is more “likable” than the front-runner, Hillary Clinton. He won because he is more honest. - Aljazeera America



Life is still unsettled. I have been relying on my friends kindness to allow my continued couch surfing, is taking a toll on me and my running has paid the price too. I do not have any good news to report in regards to my home search yet. A few close calls have disappointed me but I continue. I am confident that things will work out eventually. Until then, I remain in limbo.


Training this week: Run 51.41 - Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat Run - 10.38 mi - 1:18:42 - 7:34 pace - 146 avg hr - 981' elevation gain
Good solid training run. One of my stronger training days since my traumatic brain injury. I have run faster in races but this was a pretty comfortable run - pleased.
Fri Rest
traveled to Denver

Thur Run - 10.4 mi - 1:25:05 - 8:10 pace - 350' elevation gain
Steady endurance run
Wed Run - 8.02 mi - 1:02:32 - 7:48 pace - 143 avg hr - 281' elevation gain
Even pace on the bike trail

Tues Run - 10.19 mi - 1:19:32 - 7:46 pace - 152 avg hr - 353' elevation gain
Good run. Pre debate shuffle - Go Bernie Sanders!
Mon Run - 4.31 mi - 36:04 - 8:22 pace 139 avg hr - 308' elevation gain
Busy day - drove to Leadville - got home late and ran a shorty in the dark

Sun Run - 8.11 mi - 1:03:53 - 7.51 pace - 145 avg hr - 252' elevation gain. Brutal headwinds, but a little better than yesterday.

Last week: run 42.62- bike 0 (2 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,353.5 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Howl: Oct 4 - 10

A lovely Elliott Smith song performed by The Silversun Pickups. Have a great week all!


Training this week: Run 42.62 mi - Bike 0 (2 rest days)


Sat - Run 8.12 mi - 1:03:55 - 7:52 pace - 146 avg hr - 261' elevation gain
Tired and faded quite a bit on the way back

Fri - Run 8.1 - mi 1:01::14 - 7:33 pace - 145 avg hr - 284' elevation gain
Rio Grande trail

Thur - Run - 8.14 mi - 1:01:00 - 7:29 pace - 149 avg hr - 304' elevation gain
I haven't been able to fit a run in for a few days due to travel (and being lazy), so it  felt good to get out today.
Wed - Travel/rest
Tues - Rest
Mon Run 10.14 mi - 1:22:50 - 8:11 pace - 134 avg hr - 234' elevation gain
Washington Park Cherry Creek and Cheesman Park
Sun Run - 8.13 mi - 1:03:53 - 7.51 pace - 139 avg hr - 252' elevation gain
Good run on the Rio Grand/Basalt loop.

Last week: run 54.77 mi - bike 0 (0 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,302.09 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

MyHowl - September 27 - October 3


I wish I knew what my old boxer, Ramone, dreamed about...

What is it going to be?

This is good for a few laughs... as you know, the truth always is:

I really dig The Bottle Rockets. Fantastic songs that traverse themes that illustrate beauty and American despair; songs like Welfare Music and cops shooting down drivers with their Radar Guns, etc... here is a gentle acoustic song about a guy who really loves his dog.


Training this week: Run 54.77 mi - Bike 0 (0 rest days)


Sat - Run - 7.4 mi - 1:00:42 - 8:12 pace - 135 avg hr - 194' elevation gain
The good: for the first time since I moved back to Colorado, I was able to run the day after a big mountain run with a strong down hill. The bad: I had nothing today.

Fri - Run - 8.16 mi - 1:53:50 - 13:57 pace - 123 avg hr - 2,212' elevation gain
Trail run in Basalt, CO on the Arbaney Kittle Trail.
Thur - Run - 8.1 mi - 1:03:38 - 7:51 pace - 139 avg hr - 282' elevation gain
strong and steady
Wed - Run - 7.9 mi - 1:06:27 - 8:24 pace - 123 avg hr - 286' elevation gain
Steady easy recovery run
Tues Run - 8.18 mi 1:03:03 - 7:42 pace - 142 avg hr - 285' elevation gain
First 4 mi tempo, then 800 x 800 meters hard/easy 

Mon Run - 7.15 mi - 1:01:36 - 8:36 pace -146 avg hr - 236' elevation gain
I wonder if The Google knows how I can clear my chest of this phloem reservoir. 

Sun Run - 7.88 mi - 1:12:24 - 9.11 pace - 143 avg hr - 400' elevation gain
I am still battling this chest cold. I am tired and run down.

Last week: run 41.24 mi - bike 0 (2 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,259.47 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Monday, September 21, 2015

MyHowl - September 20 - 26

I love this lady. Take 2 minutes to watch this video and you will get it:

I am relieved that despite my continued illness (phloem hacking attacks, muscle soreness, chills, etc), I got out the door and managed a good 8.1 mile run in on the Rio Grande trail.
Man I am really down today. First, I am tired and wrecked physically from running down-mountain and being sick. Second, I do not have any idea about where I am going to live yet. I am in a void.

My training has really suffered this month. I may have set a record for rest days without an injury. This cross-country move to Colorado has taken a lot out of me (I am still homeless too); and now I have a chest cold that is wiping me out. I have hopes to get back on track in life and training matters. 


Training this week: Run 41.24 - Bike 0 (2 rest days)


Sat Run - 10.16 mi - 1:50:03 - 10:49 pace - 144 avg hr - 1,727' elevation gain
Great trail run with a lot of elevation gain today; with Julia.

Fri Run - 8.1 mi - 1:06:38 - 8:13 pace - 145 avg hr - 344' elevation gain
Started pretty strong but faded. I think that I may be turning the corner on this awful chest cold.
Thu Run - 8.1 mi - 1:04:25 - 7:57 pace - 143 avg hr
Despite my continued chest cold and tired legs, I managed a decent run in the flats today.
Wed Rest
Sore and sick

Tues Rest
sore and sick

Mon Run - 9.75 mi - 3:07:17 - 19:12 pace - 125 avg hr - 3,400' elevation gain
Trying to kick my lingering cold - ran to the top of Ajax Mountain and down the Ute Trail. 

Sun Run - 5.13 mi - 44:10 - 8:36 pace
So sick with this chest cold; my whole body protested this run. I pretty much forced myself to do it after 2 consecutive rest days.

Last week: run 38.67 mi - bike 0 (2 rest days) 

last month run 281.55 mi (1 rest day)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,204.7 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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