Monday, October 26, 2015

MyHowl: Oct 25 - 31

It was Margaux's 1st birthday yesterday. A great party enjoyed by many! I took yet another rest day; still I am running better than I have - consistently - since my accident.

Training this week: Run 41.53 mi -  Bike 0 (3 rest days)


Sat Run 10.53 mi - 1L20:09 - 7:36 pace - 149 avg hr - 365' elevatio gain
Good run - pre Halloween
Fri Run - 10.3 mi - 1:19:36 - 7:43 pace - 142 avg hr - 431' elevation gain 
I almost blue this off but I got it in late.
Thur Run - 10.52 mi - 1;16;59 - 7:19 pace - 152 avg hr - 360' elevation gain.
Good run today on 2 days rest. 35:10 first 5 miles
Wed Rest - house shopping
Tues Rest - house shopping
Mon Run - 10.18 mi - 10:18:04 - 7.22 pace - 144 avg hr - 8' elevation gain.
Denver in a new location... ran on the track so I wouldn't get lost.
Tues Rest
Margaux's birthday 1st birthday party

Last week: run 62.46 mi - bike 0 (0 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)


run this year: 2,457.49 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
#traumatic #
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Howl: Oct 18 - 24

Please take a minute to view this video. Yes, to be sure - Benghazi is a political witch-hunt, but Hillary Clinton is still not the candidate of the people. Clearly, the only choice is #berniesanders

As a new week begins, I am reflective and grateful that my continued hard work is beginning to pay off. Although the accident in which I suffered a traumatic brain injury is now about 6 years past; relative to TBI - it has been barely a sliver of time. Still, as I assess my progress, I am proud; thrilled that my physical improvement (running as a measure), has slowly improved to the point that I am beginning to see some pre-injury speed return. Sure, I am 50 years old now and it is unlikely that I have the same athletic ability; yet I am stubborn, relentless and aspire to be better
. Day after day, mile after mile, including bumps, stumbles and crashes (in every regard), I move forward, I battle, I win. 

And then there is Bernie Sanders:

"I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth that is not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress." 
                                                                                             - Bernie Sanders

Training this week: Run 62.46 - Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat Run - 10.48 mi - 1:17:55 - 7:26 pace - 138 avg hr - 300' elevation gain.
Excellent effort - 1st 8 mi in 55:30 - it is nice to see the improvements continue

Fri Run - 11.18 mi - 1:24:50 - 7:35 pace - 144 avg hr - 823' elevation gain
Good strong run 
Thur Rest
Wed Run - 10.22 mi - 1:16:06 - 7:26 pace - 143 avg hr - 354' elevation gain
nice run - I felt strong
Tues Run - 10.24 mi - 1:17:54 - 7:36 pace - 145 avg hr - 323' elevation gain
Nice strong effort

Mon Run - 10.2 mi - 1:20:10 - 7:51 pace - 145 avg hr - 369' elevation gain
Good run 
Sun Run -10.14 mi - 1:18:04 - 7.41 pace - 148 avg hr - 333' elevation gain.
Good steady run.

Last week: run 51.41 mi - bike 0 (1 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run this year: 2,415.96 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
#traumatic #
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Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Howl: Oct 11 - 17

Bernie Sanders was the clear winner in the first debate among candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. And it wasn’t because he is more “likable” than the front-runner, Hillary Clinton. He won because he is more honest. - Aljazeera America



Life is still unsettled. I have been relying on my friends kindness to allow my continued couch surfing, is taking a toll on me and my running has paid the price too. I do not have any good news to report in regards to my home search yet. A few close calls have disappointed me but I continue. I am confident that things will work out eventually. Until then, I remain in limbo.


Training this week: Run 51.41 - Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat Run - 10.38 mi - 1:18:42 - 7:34 pace - 146 avg hr - 981' elevation gain
Good solid training run. One of my stronger training days since my traumatic brain injury. I have run faster in races but this was a pretty comfortable run - pleased.
Fri Rest
traveled to Denver

Thur Run - 10.4 mi - 1:25:05 - 8:10 pace - 350' elevation gain
Steady endurance run
Wed Run - 8.02 mi - 1:02:32 - 7:48 pace - 143 avg hr - 281' elevation gain
Even pace on the bike trail

Tues Run - 10.19 mi - 1:19:32 - 7:46 pace - 152 avg hr - 353' elevation gain
Good run. Pre debate shuffle - Go Bernie Sanders!
Mon Run - 4.31 mi - 36:04 - 8:22 pace 139 avg hr - 308' elevation gain
Busy day - drove to Leadville - got home late and ran a shorty in the dark

Sun Run - 8.11 mi - 1:03:53 - 7.51 pace - 145 avg hr - 252' elevation gain. Brutal headwinds, but a little better than yesterday.

Last week: run 42.62- bike 0 (2 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,353.5 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
#traumatic #
BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition

Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Howl: Oct 4 - 10

A lovely Elliott Smith song performed by The Silversun Pickups. Have a great week all!


Training this week: Run 42.62 mi - Bike 0 (2 rest days)


Sat - Run 8.12 mi - 1:03:55 - 7:52 pace - 146 avg hr - 261' elevation gain
Tired and faded quite a bit on the way back

Fri - Run 8.1 - mi 1:01::14 - 7:33 pace - 145 avg hr - 284' elevation gain
Rio Grande trail

Thur - Run - 8.14 mi - 1:01:00 - 7:29 pace - 149 avg hr - 304' elevation gain
I haven't been able to fit a run in for a few days due to travel (and being lazy), so it  felt good to get out today.
Wed - Travel/rest
Tues - Rest
Mon Run 10.14 mi - 1:22:50 - 8:11 pace - 134 avg hr - 234' elevation gain
Washington Park Cherry Creek and Cheesman Park
Sun Run - 8.13 mi - 1:03:53 - 7.51 pace - 139 avg hr - 252' elevation gain
Good run on the Rio Grand/Basalt loop.

Last week: run 54.77 mi - bike 0 (0 rest days) 

last month run 154.26 mi (12 rest days)  - bike 0 


run yr: 2,302.09 mi

bike yr: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
#traumatic #
BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition