Monday, January 26, 2015

Punk's Not Dead

The truth is, when it comes to punk rock, you have to be honest. Johnny Cash is probably every bit as 'punk' (even more-so) than Sid Vicious. Iggy Pop and Patty Smith are real-life founders and iconic (still productive) reps of a musical movement that is nearly 40 year old. Unlike other era related sounds, even the fashion remains fresh; as long as you aren't trying to buy it at the mall (Hot Topic, etc).
Today's Instagram photo @ my Instagram is in that spirit. Long live punkR O C K !
Run - 54:53 - 6.5 miles - 120 avg hr
Really hard out there today; heavy wind and tired legs.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Trash Heap - LSD

Trail run - 900 feet of elevation gain - 1:45:00 - 11.4 miles - 117 avg hr

Ran out at Vista View (aka the trash heap today). Legs were a bit tired from yesterday, but ran pretty strong at times. I was happy to get 900' of elevation gain too.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

morning jo

I can't explain my recent revisit to this Joy Division obsession, but I like it. Getting CLOSER with UNKNOWN PLEASURES. Hey, it works for me!

Run - 2:30:00 - 16.1 miles - 9:19 per mile - 125 avg hr
I wanted to run longer today but the wind/storm was turning this into a shit-show. Still a decent effort and I will follow it up with a longish run tomorrow.
I have 56.91 miles this week (2 more than last week - with a day off)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Run - 1:00:16 - 7.65 miles - 7:52 pace - 118 avg hr
Still can't find my mojo. I need to get a long one in, but today was spent playing with my new Adobe toys. The good news: Me and Mimi are having are weekly vegan pizza party tonight!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

best of 2014

And yes, Interpol has done it again - another great record: El Pintor
Honorable mentions go to The Jellybricks, Spoon and The Raveonettes

Easy run - 1:02 - 7.12 miles - 8:42 pace - 118 avg hr
Ft Lauderdale Runners Club - I ran alone; nice and easy

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A day of rest

The last couple of days have been sort of off (generally). Even though I did get a few workouts in, I really was not motivated. I feel okay but lazy and tired. I need to squeeze a long run or two in in the next couple of weeks as I try to at least semi-prepare for this marathon that I registered for. Maybe if I take a day off, I will be more motivated tomorrow. It could be that my body is talking to me. I just do not know...
a few hours later...
I could go run now, There is still time in the day, but I am going to rest and hopefully I will be re charged tomorrow and I will get out early. I will look at this as an experiment. I feel like a pussy, tho.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The State of the Union

Run - easier/recovery - 1:01:00 - 7.2 miles - 8:28 pace - 119 avg hr
very tired today - probably should have taken a rest day - I just cruised easy
If you ever stop by, I think you know my opinion already. I'd love to hear your take on the good, the bad and the ugly.