Sunday, November 29, 2015

MyHowl: Nov 22 - 28

This week was a roller-coaster of emotions for sure. I won't bore my friends with the death of my lost love. I have already taken you there. Instead, let me brag about my running. Despite two rest days this week, I have still managed 79 miles of running. In addition, I am beginning to feel stronger. I am not there yet, but this 50 year old man is going to get his legs back. November is going to be around 280+ miles. If I run a bit less in December, I will finish the the year of 2015 with 3,000 logged miles. A first for me, pre or post, traumatic brain injury. I am proud of my continued effort to make a 100% return to athletic form post injury; and past the ripe old age of 50. Why does it matter? Because it is a symbol of recovery for me. Of course my cognitive ability matters most, but I do not have a measurable bench mark for that part of my recovery. I have always judged myself athletically and even now, with all of my physical and mental deficits, I still do. :-) 
Well, time to go run. Stay tuned and see if I can maintain my pace through the Christmas holiday. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and has a fantastic Christmas season. Until next week: when your legs get tired, run with your heart. 

Some good news to share. Sorry in advance for the gratuitous cheese. Last year I logged a record number of running miles, 2,670.88. Today I set a new record on my sloppy 20 miler. As of today I have logged 2,681.66 miles so far in 2015. This pleases me. Since my traumatic brain injury I have worked harder than I ever had before. In fact, for 3 years in a row I have logged 2000+ miles. In my pre-injury 'fast' days' I probably maxed out at around 1000 running miles per year. It is true I am still not the athlete that I was, but in my defense, I am a 50 year old man trying to rebuild a broken brain and body. I work hard. I am proud of my continued chase of the lost runner formerly known as me. This is important to me. Thanks.

Common difficulties after a traumatic brain injury.  Many people have difficulties with speaking, listening or being aware of other people’s non-verbal communication. These difficulties can include problems with talking and writing; or with understanding what they are reading, or what someone is saying. Some people also find it difficult to have a conversation in a group and may get restless, or not realize that they are interrupting other people. Of course, this can lead to problems and means that their family, work colleagues, and friends may need to show them patience and understanding.

  1. Not being able to recognize words that they used to know
  2. Needing things to be repeated several times
  3. Having difficulty when someone speaks quickly or tells them a lot of information in one go.
  4. Not paying attention in conversations
  5. Not understanding fully what someone is saying
  6. Not being able to follow instructions
  7. Misunderstanding jokes, sarcasm, or taking what someone says literally.
  8. Difficulty “finding” the word they want to say, or using the wrong word altogether.
  9. Getting the order of the words in a sentence mixed up.
  10. Repeating the same thing over and over (this is known as “perseveration”).
  11. Answering only “yes” or “no” when someone asks them a question.
  12. Poor spelling and difficulty in learning new words.
  13. Trouble with writing full sentences.

I am happy with my running this year so far. After tomorrows run, I will have eclipsed last years logged total of 2670.88 mi logged. I think I am finally starting to shed some of that stubborn post TBI weight gain. My running is more fluid and a bit faster in general. I haven't been on a scale in months but my gut is smaller and my clothes are fitting looser. I will tell you what, it has been difficult to lose the weight. I never even thought about it before the accident, but post has been a nightmare. Even though I ran and ran, the fat just stuck to me. Anyway, my diligence is beginning to pay off. 


Training this week: Run 76.89 -  Bike 0 (2 rest days)


Sat Run 20.11 mi - 2:42:53 - 8:05 pace - 152 avg hr - 27' elevation gain
Fri Rest
Thurs Rest

Wed Run 12.23 mi - 1:48:32 - 8:52 pace - 130 avg hr - 1.382' eleation gain
Evergreen hills again
Tues Run 12.15 mi - 1:47:25 - 8:50 pace - 129 avg hr - 1,336' elevation gain
I am still really enjoying the Evergreen hills/

Mon Run 20.13 mi - 3L06:01 - 9:05 pace - 131 avg hr - 21' elevation gain
The trail was a mess. It warmed up ad turned it into a mud trek with multiple icy sections to navigate. 
Sun Run12.27 mi - 149:23 - 9:00 pace - 141 avg hr - 1,415' elevation gain
Good steady run with a lot of elevation gain today. The weather was cool and pleasant with strong winds.

last week: run 64.6 mi - bike 0 (1 rest day) 

last month run 221.68 mi (7 rest days)


run this year: 2,726.15 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17 mi


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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Saturday, November 21, 2015

MyHowl: Nov 15 - 21

The mystery of this deep, and at times lonely, life continues... but, the worst is over. The glorious happiness light is peaking through the turbulence above. I am swimming towards the surface. I will get there.

Jimi Hendrix

“The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye...until we meet again”

― Jimi Hendrix

We are a little closer to completing the deal on the hippie cabin in Conifer. Tomorrow is the building inspection; I hope everything checks out. I imagine a lot of great trail running/snowshoeing there. It remains to be seen.


Well it looks like I found a place to live! I put this mountain hippie pad under contract today now the obligatory inspections and closing awaits. There is an outside chance that I could be moving in by Christmas. I am excited. The joint is in Conifer, Colorado which is in the Denver foothills not too far from  the Red Rocks Amphitheater. 

Maybe it really is time for me to start anew. I am happy, really. Despite last weeks devastation, I am thrilled to be back home in Colorado and I feel like things are really going to take shape for me here. I have friends (men and woman) and I will find a new soul-mate too. Life is simply, so much better here - in Colorado. Florida gets a bad rap and the truth is, it deserves it. In my honest opinion, the beaches are phenomenal but the scenery of the  landscape is little more than a strip mall with self centered 'look at me' types all over the place. Did I mention how intolerable the humidity is? No? No relief even at night. Screw it, the one I love is gone and so am I. So it goes...


Training this week: Run 64.6 mi -  Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat Rest
Fri Run 20.12 mi - 2:49:20 - 8:24 pace - 134 avg hr - 24' elevation gain
3rd 20+ mile run in a 13 day span Thur Run 11.63 mi - 1:45:00 - 9:01 pace - 1,347' elevation gain
Thur Run 11.63 mi - 1:45:00 - 9:01 pace - 1,347' of elevation gain
Good run in the hills of Evergreen - nice and steady
Wed Run 7.2 mi - 1:01:28 - 8:32 pace - 143 avg hr - 678' of elevation gain
Kept my run a bit shorter today.

Tues Run 11.36 mi - 1:37:05 - 8:32 pace - 1288' elevation gain
Wicked windy and cold; but I really enjoyed this run. I coulld never run this comfortably  in South Florida for this long without Gatorade or water. Colorado is made for running!

Mon Run 10.19 mi - 1:30:21 - 8:52 pace - 1200' elevation gain
Good steady run in the hills around Evergreen. 

Sun Run 4.1 mi - 45:30 - 11:05 pace - 110 avg hr - 310' elevation gain
Easy recovery run with my old running buddy, Angie and her pup. Just a slow jog and a chat

last week: run 70.14 mi - bike 0 (2 rest days) 

last month run 221.68 mi (7 rest days)


run this year: 2,649.26 mi

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17 mi


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition

Saturday, November 14, 2015

MyHowl: Nov 8 - 14

I am doing okay - I have accept the fact that it is now alone time - again. I will march on and figure it out. I really loved Mimi (and I still do), but it I cannot change this course. It is clear that I am going to have to move on without a girl that will always occupy a warm place in my heart.
Mimi and I shared over four extremely important years together. We did amazing things. We raced, became vegans, traveled, went to concerts and loved. To me it was perfect. My real point is this, Mimi entered my life shortly after my release from months of hospitalization for traumatic brain injury. I probably never saw her frustration. Without her, I really do not think that I would have made the progress in my recovery that I have. It must have been difficult for her. I get that she is tired. I am sad for me. I am sad for us. I don't believe in much but I believed in our TEAM. I only desire a super fantastic future for her and her family; of whom my love remains. I hope and know that eventually this pain that burns my insides will subside. It has to.
With that, I will end my public cry-fest and talk about the positive.
I have been looking for a tiny mountain house and have found a few really cool places. Julia is a snap agent and has been working very hard and we are getting close!
Training wise, things are going pretty good. Despite a shitty week forcing two unscheduled rest days, I still managed 70.14 miles of running; that included 2 workouts over 20 miles each.

Well this has been a horrible week for me. My training sucks because I cannot focus. My heart is purging all of its ruby fluid. Good grief, love hurts. I am going to miss Mimi so fucking much. I loved her with every ounce of my soul and I believed in our future.

The suffering has gotten worse as the reality is certain. Although it is a mystery to me as to why our relationship had to end, I am trying to be strong and hopeful. The pain is extraordinary. Time to begin, once more.

Sadness. End of a very happy period in my life. My - for always - girlfriend dumped me. I am in unbearable pain but I must be a big boy and adapt, stay positive and grow. I will be okay. 

Training this week: Run 70.14 -  Bike 0 (2 rest days)


Sat Run - 20.15 mi - 2:49:38 - 8:25 pace - 136 avg hr - 30' elevation gaim
2nd 20 mier this week. Slightly faster today than on Sunday

Fri Run - 8.28 mi - 1:09:35 - 8:24 pace - 153 avg hr - 791' elevation gain
Good run with Julia in the hills of Evergreen
Thur Run - 10.26 mi - 1:36:54 - 9:26 pace - 134 avg hr - 1,183' of elevation gain.
I didn't want to run today, I would have rather moaned and groaned to the barista at Starbucks - I am happy that I go out.
Wed rest (boo, I suck)
Tues Run - 11.11 mi - 1:54:40 - 10.19 pace - 1,431' elevation gain
Lair of the Bear trail run with hills.

Mon Rest - shop for home
Sun Run 20.34 mi - 3:00:26 - 8:52 pace - 133 avg hr - 31' elevation gain
Ran a nice steady pace at High-line Canal with Julia.  

last week: run 57.03 mi - bike 0 (1 rest days) 

last month run 221.68 mi (7 rest days)


run this year: 2,584.66

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition

Saturday, November 7, 2015

MyHowl: Nov 1 - 7

Saturday 11-7
A good week overall. Solid week of running with some trails and hills included. The living situation is still in a void, but Julia is going to show me some places this week so hopefully I will not be homeless for too much longer.
Sunday 11-1
I am going to adjust how I post my blog beginning today. I will now post it as a weekly recap; pertaining primarily to random rants and my weekly training totals. I will periodically post additional free standing videos and social thoughts. Hopefully this will make it less annoying and more logical to the reader. It remains to be seen...

Training this week: Run 57.03 -  Bike 0 (1 rest days)


Sat - Run - 7.11 mi - 1:10:11 - 9:52 pace - 139 avg hr - 1,202' elevation gain
Green Mountain
Fri - Run - 9.11 mi - 1:19:02 - 8:40 pace - 124 avg hr - 130' elevation gain
Almost didn't get my running sneakers on today but I am happy that I did.

Thurs - Run - 10.51 mi - 1:23:38 - 7:57 pace - 139 avg hr - 393' elevation gain.
Cold, windy winter; day. A bit slower.

Wed - Run - 10.5 mi - 1:18:57 - 7:31 pace - 145 avg hr - 381' elevation gain.
Back in the running saddle. New sneakers and less pain in my foot.

Tues - Run - 9.27 mi - 1:19:27  - 8:34 pace - 1401' elevation gain
First pair of new shoes in about 800 miles. New Balance Fresh Foam. I hope the pain in my foot dissipates now. 

Mon - rest; soreness on my foot - arch, near heal.
Sun Run 10.53 mi - 1:18:42 - 7:28 pace - 151 avg hr - 434' elevation gain
excellent effort today

last week: run 41.53 mi - bike 0 (3 rest days) 

last month run 221.68 mi (7 rest days)


run this year: 2,514.52

bike this year: 207.95 mi         


run last yr: 2,670.88 mi
bike last yr: 3614.17


#traumatic #BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition 
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BrainInjury #TBI #running #training #healing #politics #liberal #democratic #triathlons #UltraRunning #vegan #athletes #blogging #Google #Blogger #rants #howls #peace #love #WorldOfBeer #Beer #Facebook #marathon #PlantPower #liberal #secular #atheist #LeftWingPolitics #democratic #fitness #health #PlantBasedNutrition