I am so sick of hearing nonsense like this from the climate change deniers.
"We have been over this - I'm not a scientist, but global warming is hoax" - USGOP
Obviously, God is crying that is why the oceans are rising. You know it makes sense...
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The past week in Vermont was so excellent. The weather was amazing, I ran a fine marathon, watched Bernie Sanders announce his run for president and enjoyed a trip to Lake Placid, NY with Mimi and her uncle, Fra. Today we fly home to South Florida and what looks like a hot and steamy week. It will be interesting as I try to adapt my training to the steamy days ahead.
I think today will be another rest day. I still feel considerable thigh tightness. Normally, I would run anyway, but it is our last full day in Burlington and a lot of walking is on tap so I think that I will leave it at that and resume training tomorrow.
Later today is the Bernie Sanders presidential kick off at Waterfront Park. It was originally scheduled to be held at a 300 seat auditorium; but the excitement has grown tremendously and it his been moved to a much larger setting complete with an Occupy Wall Street march to the event (which I will certainly partake in).
and I ran across this Bill Maher/Sean Penn exchange today:
"that when you have a precedent set like that, and you have somebody, George Tenet, acknowledging in his book that he knew that the administration was deceiving the American people into a situation that is murdering young men and women from this country and others; that George Tenet and Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice and George Bush et al, should be in fucking jail."
Later today is the Bernie Sanders presidential kick off at Waterfront Park. It was originally scheduled to be held at a 300 seat auditorium; but the excitement has grown tremendously and it his been moved to a much larger setting complete with an Occupy Wall Street march to the event (which I will certainly partake in).
and I ran across this Bill Maher/Sean Penn exchange today:
"that when you have a precedent set like that, and you have somebody, George Tenet, acknowledging in his book that he knew that the administration was deceiving the American people into a situation that is murdering young men and women from this country and others; that George Tenet and Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice and George Bush et al, should be in fucking jail."
Today will be a rest day. I think we will probably have some sort of travel adventure. Perhaps a ferry ride across Lake Champlain and a short drive to Lake Placid, NY. Rest is good.
Does anyone remember the WHA (World Hockey League)? The league ended up merging 4 teams into the NHL; including The multi-time Stanley Cup winners, The Edmonton Oilers (1972–1979). I was a huge Whalers fan and watched Marty, Mark and Mr Hockey, Gordie Howe, play on the same line. I loved The New England Whalers (later the Hartford Whalers). I feel at home here in Vermont.
Does anyone remember the WHA (World Hockey League)? The league ended up merging 4 teams into the NHL; including The multi-time Stanley Cup winners, The Edmonton Oilers (1972–1979). I was a huge Whalers fan and watched Marty, Mark and Mr Hockey, Gordie Howe, play on the same line. I loved The New England Whalers (later the Hartford Whalers). I feel at home here in Vermont.
Vermont City Marathon
It is 2 am and I am restless. As is my usual race night condition, I cannot sleep. Hopefully my run goes well today. Last year my finish time was 3:36:38 and my most recent marathon was completed in 3:16:24 on Feb 14. I have faith in my training, but I question myself as my post TBI running development has been steady, but oh so slow. My friend and mentor once said, "let the day come to you" - indeed.
Last night Deena Kastor - Olympic medalist and American record holder - was the pasta dinner guest of honor - motivational speaker (last year it was Joan Benoit Samuelson), and her speech was extremely insightful. I will keep her words in mind during the race. Mimi and Fra were lucky enough to get their picture taken with Deena. The Vermont City Marathon race promoters sure do a nice job recruiting elite athletes to motivate the field of competitors. I can only wonder who it will be next year.
I may or may not go back to sleep tonight. I did go to bed early and only had 2 beers after dinner, so I am well rested and okay with just lying here and tapping on the keyboard. in a few hours it will be time to rise and prepare myself for my morning run through Burlington, VT. It is a beautiful course and the crowds that line the streets are loud and supportive. My intention is to embrace the day. Mimi and Fra are running the marathon relay (each a 13.1 mile leg). At 77 years and 1 day old, Fra has designs on a half marathon personal record (PR) and I predict that he will reach his goal. Mimi is an accomplished Ironman triathlete and her dedication to training and race experience will likely fuel their team to a time that is faster than last year. It is exciting.
I too just had a birthday. I turned 50 on the 14th and this will be my second race as a masters runner. Hopefully this one goes better than my first race, The Keys 50. I did not finish this year and settled on letting it be a last long run in preparation for today. Quitting at mile 21, I hope has left my legs fresher than they were last year; as I did finish the 50 miles in 2014 and I was very fatigued. Well, as I wise man once said, it remains to be seen. I will try to start at a comfortable pace and concentrate on early hydration and fuel. Often I start too fast and try to hang on to the finish. Maybe today it will be different, but my nature is what it is and I will race as smart as I can.
I have returned from the Burlington and the race went well. I was 20 minutes faster than last year at The Vermont City Marathon. Also, the course had a vertical gain of 663 feet (Garmin measured .15 miles long too). Unfortunately, I did not record a post TBI personal record today despite running this course 20 minutes faster than last year. I did something that must be very rare, I finished two consecutive marathons with exactly the same time in a two month window. On a super-awesome note, I had a breakthrough run today. I am still far away from my sub 3 hour marathons that I ran pre injury, but I did record 4 sub 7:00 minute miles with a few more right at 7:00-ish. These days it is extremely rare for me to run any sub 7's even on training runs. This pleases me greatly. My pursuit of going sub 3:00's again continues and my resolve is strong.
I have returned from the Burlington and the race went well. I was 20 minutes faster than last year at The Vermont City Marathon. Also, the course had a vertical gain of 663 feet (Garmin measured .15 miles long too). Unfortunately, I did not record a post TBI personal record today despite running this course 20 minutes faster than last year. I did something that must be very rare, I finished two consecutive marathons with exactly the same time in a two month window. On a super-awesome note, I had a breakthrough run today. I am still far away from my sub 3 hour marathons that I ran pre injury, but I did record 4 sub 7:00 minute miles with a few more right at 7:00-ish. These days it is extremely rare for me to run any sub 7's even on training runs. This pleases me greatly. My pursuit of going sub 3:00's again continues and my resolve is strong.
Training this week: (0 rest day) Run 55.98 mi
Sat Run 8.37 mi - 1:11:00 - 8:29 pace - 125 avg hr
Easy run - my legs are still tired from the marathon on Sunday and it was really hot and humid
Fri - Run 11.76 mi - 1;33:23 - 7:56 pace - 135 avg hr
a good run with a bit more distance today
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